From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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The big picture of technology trends

The big picture of technology trends

- Now more than ever it's the intersection of several new technologies which is enabling a whole new set of capabilities. Each alone is important, but together their convergence, a dimension of the fourth industrial revolution is what is essential for groundbreaking solutions to emerge. Let's explore this idea with some examples. If you've ever used a mapping app on your smartphone, which I suspect many of you have, you already know how valuable it can be. There are many available and they help you find optimal directions, use crowdsourcing to understand traffic conditions, and provide substantive information on a wide variety of useful factors before and during a trip. But what does it take to have a successful mapping app to make this a service with real value for millions of users? The basics must include a pervasive wireless infrastructure and network of satellites, the internet, low-cost storage and processing…
