From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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Taking action: Individuals

Taking action: Individuals

- So far, the world of the 21st century has largely continued to produce abundant opportunities. Employment, for example, despite many predictions to the contrary, has remained high in most economies. However, assuming this trend will continue is risky. What might the fourth industrial revolution mean to an individual, either with their career ahead of them or those well into their careers? In the short to medium term, many indications are positive, as some occupations have waned, others have blossomed. In some countries, there may be less mining or manufacturing jobs, but many new jobs have emerged in the service economy and in areas such as clean energy, healthcare, and computer science. In fact, in some areas there continues to be a shortage of qualified workers, in areas such as nursing, pilots, teaching, technology, project management, cybersecurity, and engineering. So is there a case for some optimism? Maybe not so fast…
