From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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Rapid advances in different sciences

Rapid advances in different sciences

- The Renaissance, French for rebirth, was born in Florence Italy in the 1300s and later spread to many parts of Europe. It was a revolution that spanned almost 300 years and was the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity. It represented significant change in areas as diverse as art, economics, politics, and science. There are many theories on its origin. Contributing factors included a conducive political climate. Florence is a hub of global trade, the Medici banking family and their philanthropy efforts, and the emergence of a culture with interest in sourcing new ideas from afar. The opening of libraries to the public enabled access to knowledge and encouraging learning and new thinking. Leonardo Da Vinci, sometimes known as the father of modern science, uniquely combined the popularity of art at the time with drawings of scientific areas like medical dissection and aerodynamics. While many leaps in science were…
