From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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Here comes the metaverse

Here comes the metaverse

- Today, the internet is largely a two-dimensional experience. This means we consume it from flat surfaces of known width and height, typically in the form of a variety of screens. For example, whether on a laptop or smartphone, we use apps and websites that have no visual depth. In fact, for the most part, our online interactions still take the form of dull, data entry screens that haven't changed in decades. Now imagine for a moment a completely new internet, a 3D Internet that has width, height, and depth. In fact, in this case, we are no longer on the outside of the digital experience inputting data and clicking check boxes. Instead, we are immersed in a virtual environment that surrounds us with a whole new colorful world of engagement and interactivity. This is the promise of a next generation of virtual reality internet experience, called the metaverse. The notion of a virtual reality that each of us could…
