From the course: Foundations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0)

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Digital twins

Digital twins

- The way we design, build, and operate things has evolved considerably over centuries. In early times, we had to build something in order to know if it would work. This often resulted in much failure before a workable solution was found. Design iteration was central. Consider the creation of airplanes. Sadly, many crashed before safe, predictable flight was achieved. In time, we started developing models, typically smaller, simpler representations, before building the full-scale product. Even then, it was not possible to fully simulate real conditions. During the 1960s, design capabilities improved with the emergence of new technologies. For example, the US Space Program determined to put a person on the moon and return them to Earth by the end of the 1960s provided the impetus for vastly improved simulation solutions. Computer-supported modeling and simulations made great advances through the 1980s with the…
