From the course: Font Management Essential Training

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Understanding TrueType fonts

Understanding TrueType fonts

- [Narrator] One of the first steps in managing your fonts is to understand and be able to recognize the different font file formats. In this movie we'll take a look at TrueType fonts. TrueType is the most common font format used on Mac and Windows computers. The popularity of TrueType fonts is the results of a joint effort by Apple and Microsoft. The TrueType format was initially developed by Apple in the late 1980s and licensed to Microsoft in the early 90s. The motivation for these two big rivals teaming up was to avoid paying royalties for Adobe's Type 1 Post Script fonts and to offer fonts that could be easily scaled to various sizes. TrueType fonts also included a technology called Hinting that produced better looking type when printed at small sizes and low resolution. Unlike Type 1 Post Script fonts, TrueType fonts contain all the information for rendering characters both on screen and in print in one file so there are no separate files for screen fonts and printer fonts in…
