From the course: Font Management Essential Training

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Understanding the benefits of font management software

Understanding the benefits of font management software

From the course: Font Management Essential Training

Understanding the benefits of font management software

- [Presenter] Both Mac and Windows give you the ability to do some basic management of fonts on your computer. But if you work with a lot of fonts you might need a more powerful tool with features that don't come with your operating system. So in this movie we'll take a look at some of the important benefits of using a third-party font management solution. The first reason why you might want to invest in some font management software is that it can help you work faster. With font management software you can control which fonts are active on your computer with minimal effort, quickly activating and deactivating fonts with a single click. And by keeping just the fonts that you need active, you're computer and applications will work faster because they aren't being bogged down by hundreds of extra active fonts consuming memory and other resources. Having a bunch of unwanted fonts active on your computer can also slow you down by cluttering up the font menus in your applications. And font…
