From the course: Font Management Essential Training

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Checking the font version

Checking the font version

- [Narrator] If you open a document and experience some unexpected font problems, it may be because you're using the wrong version of a font. Like all software, fonts are updated from time to time and the changes that are introduced with each new version can cause you problems if you don't notice it. So let's see how to check a font version in both Mac and Windows. On the Mac, you can use Font Book to see the version number of a font. Just select the font like Zapfino here, click on the info button and you can see version right here. Some individual font producers may not include version numbers but certainly all the major foundries do. You can also just see the version number in the Finder. So if I reveal this font by pressing Command + R, I can see the version number right here in the finder window or I could also just right-click on it and choose Get Info. And the version number appears here. In Windows, I can right-click on a font file, and choose Properties, click on Details and…
