From the course: Font Management Essential Training

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Backing up a font vault

Backing up a font vault

- [Instructor] Suitcase Fusion allows you to create a full archive of your font vault to use as a backup, so you'll never lose any fonts or font sets. So let's see how the archive feature works. Here in Suitcase Fusion, I can see my font libraries and sets containing thousands of fonts in all. And what I'd like to do is save a copy of all my font files and information as a backup. To do this, I'll choose file, font vault archive, archive, and I get an alert telling me that Suitcase Fusion will need to quit and restart so it can archive my font vault. So it might be a good idea, at this point, to close out of any open documents, and quit other applications before archiving. Then I'll click archive. And I'll enter a name for the archive. I'll call it My Fonts July 2018. And if I were truly gonna use this as a backup, I'd save this file to a cloud storage service like Dropbox or to a separate hard drive. But for this demonstration, I'll just save it to my desktop and click save. And a…
