From the course: Font Management Essential Training

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Activating and deactivating fonts

Activating and deactivating fonts

- [Instructor] To activate and deactivate fonts manually on a Mac without installing them via Font Book, you simply move the font files into or out of one of the font folders used by Mac OS on your hard drive. In some cases the fonts will immediately be activated or deactivated in your applications. Other times you'll have to quit, and restart an app to see the change. So here on my desktop, I have one TrueType font called Acme Regular, and to install it I'll go to the Go menu, I'll hold down the option key on my keyboard, which reveals my library, and I'll select that, and inside my library I'll double click on fonts, and drag Acme Regular into the folder. Now I can switch over to an application like InDesign. Check my font menu. I'll just type in Acme here, and there it is. It was instantly activated. Now let's check out Microsoft Word, which I already had running. Check the font menu here, and I don't see Acme at the top of the font menu here. That's because the Microsoft…
