From the course: First Five Things You Have to Do to Start a Business as a Creator

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Prospecting, lead generation, marketing, and sales

Prospecting, lead generation, marketing, and sales

- As creatives, we always tend to shy away from sales, but it's an important part of our business. If we don't sell, we don't get money, and also, we don't get viewers. When you pitch your idea, like let's say it's a movie or something, you are selling. So it's the same with your creative business. There are different ways to find clients and projects. You can find projects on gig sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer to build your reel, reviews, network and experience. These sites will ask for your work history, portfolio and experience, so be ready to use that resume and bio you just created. You can also find prospects and leads on social media. You can direct message people on Instagram and Twitter, tag companies you want to work with on your posts, or even use Sales Navigator on LinkedIn to find people who work at brands that you want to work with and connect with them to eventually send them a message. You can also…
