From the course: Financial Forecasting with Analytics Essential Training

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Business intelligence and company financials

Business intelligence and company financials

- [Instructor] What is business intelligence? You've probably heard the term, but what exactly does it mean when we're talking about business intelligence? Well, the term business intelligence was coined by the Gartner group in 1993. And today, a lot of people think that business intelligence is just a form of software. They say, "well, let me buy the "business intelligence software, "and that will fix this issue for my company." The reality is that business intelligence is not just software. It's instead a group of tools and processes that we're going to use to help make better decisions for the company. Software is not a panacea for the issue of business intelligence. Business intelligence revolves around taking these statistical tools and then using them to turn raw data into business insight. That process is critical for making the best decisions in business today and in the future. Now, how does business…
