From the course: Financial Forecasting with Analytics Essential Training

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Applied forecasting with data

Applied forecasting with data

- [Narrator] We've got an emergency. Jack has just discovered some suspicious cash shortages at a company outlet store. He was in the process of beginning his sales forecasting when he discovered we've got some missing cash. In fact, theft and cash handling are major issues at many firms, so Jack is not alone here. But the key question he's coming up with is could an employee be stealing from the firm? Let's find out. What we've done is gone through and gathered data that Jack put together for us that covers various cash shortages that have occurred over the last year. And in fact, Jack has found 41 days over the last year where there was either a cash shortage or a cash overage. There are eight different employees and three different managers who work in this particular outlet store. What we need to figure out is, are one or more of these people stealing from the company? Even if we don't think they're stealing,…
