From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Working with limitations

Working with limitations

- Being a video editor and working on various projects comes with restraints. It may be that you have to have your program be a specific duration, delivered at a certain time, or adhere to your company's video standards. The same is true in working with motion graphics, but sometimes it's through these limitations that masterpieces are born. Here are a few reasons why constraint is a good thing. Sometimes having too much choice can cause you to become not focused on your project and even unorganized. Working within constraints and limitations can help you focus more and help you organize within those limitations to create some really cool things. I also like to set limitations for myself, and one of those is to set time limits. I'll go into this into more details under one of the other modules that's coming up, but just keep in mind for you to limit the time you spend on something can help with a long form project. K.I.S.S; it's a very simple concept. Some people call it Keep It Super…
