From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Working in real time

Working in real time

- As of the release of After Effects CC 2015 comes the ability to play back your After Effects projects and work on the fly. Let's see a few examples of this in action. So I'm here in my Chapter 4.3 composition where I have the same clip that we've been looking at over the last few exercises, and very similar to how I was in an earlier movie with Motion, I'm just going to hit the spacebar to play back, and you can see here that it is trying to calculate a real-time playback. We can see here that it's currently playing from RAM, and as soon as it gets up to real time, it will reveal those results in the Info panel. If you remember earlier, in one exercise I created a look with Adobe Hue of a picture I had from Owls Head, Maine. What I'm going to do is I'm going to take that look and apply it to the clip. Notice I can turn that on and off in order to see it, and you'll see that my playback has not been broken. This was something that wasn't available in previous versions of After…
