From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Working in real time

Working in real time

- One of Motion's core strengths is to work on your projects in real time, or close to real time, while you continue to fine-tune the various assets and objects that make up your composition. Let's see some of this strength in action. So here I am in a chapter of three point four motion project that you'll find available in your motion projects folder. It's called Working in Real Time. And we've already applied an asset from the content library inside of Motion. It's that of an atom that's essentially a series of replicated lines, but you can see it already has a bit of animation to it. So I just hit the spacebar in order to play this back and sort of demonstrate some of the real-time playback capabilities of Motion. It will try to playback in real time, and if it doesn't, it will simply drop the frame rate. But the great thing is we can continue to play back and get a sense for how our project would work. Feel free to pay your attention to this top left-hand corner where you can see…
