From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Working and publishing effects to FCP X: Part 2

Working and publishing effects to FCP X: Part 2

- We just have a couple more changes to make to our effects, and then it's time to publish and access our effect in Final Cut. Here's where we left off, where we added a Pop-up rig, which allows us to switch between two different types of papers. One paper that I added to the project, and by controlling the opacity parameter of each of these layers, we're able to give users control of it in Final Cut. Now, I want to make a little bit of a change to the Amount slider. So, what I'll show you is I'm going to go back to the rig, and right now, again, if we take a look at the particular, the Amount slider. It controls Color, it controls Hue and Saturation, and it controls Sepia. And what I really want to do is remove this Sepia from the mix. So I want to find the Sepia filter. Here's the Sepia filter. There's a little button here that shows you that it's controlled by a rig. Want to control click that amount, and I'm going to tell it to be removed from the widget amount. So now that value…
