From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Working and publishing effects to FCP X: Part 1

Working and publishing effects to FCP X: Part 1

- Some effects in Motion are not available in Final Cut Pro 10, but don't worry. Like text and transitions, we can save any effect or a combination of effects for the Final Cut Pro 10 user to have access to. Let's take a look at the gateway between Final Cut and Motion for effects. So you may have remembered, if you followed along with the first movie in this chapter, where I talked about rigging and publishing and I drew your attention to the effects browser to one particular effect, when I was talking mostly about rigging, which was this aged paper. And if we took a look, I'll just really quickly apply it to the lighthouse. It had two parameters, an amount value that seemed to control a lot of things. So the paper itself, the sepia tone that's applied to the paper and even a mask. So this was a rigged value, by using a slider. So what I want to do this time is I'm not going to create an effect from scratch or bring in a Motion effect from scratch. I'm going to take this effect and…
