From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Using Automatic Duck AEX import

Using Automatic Duck AEX import

- While you can send big clips from Final Cut Pro X over to After Effects to edit, there are other third party solutions that can help you even further with your workflow. Automatic Duck has a plugin that allows you to send clips, or entire projects over to After Effects through the use of XML. It also retains several of the parameters and effects you may have applied to clips, along with your ability to animate text and other generators. Let's take a sneak peak at how you might want to use this incredible plugin on your next project. So I'm here in my Keyword Collection. I've double-clicked my project to open in the timeline, and what I want to do is just show you what this project is made of 'cause we're going to send it over to After Effects, and it's going to retain a lot of some of the effects that we've added onto clips, and give us options for even working with text. Right here, I have a text template. It contains two lines of text. The "Way Too Late Music Video" and the "Bar…
