From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Timesaving techniques

Timesaving techniques

- When I build motion graphics in any application, I always ask myself can I save it and use it again? This question has saved me hundreds if not thousands of hours. Let's see some of the saving options available when working with text and motion graphic elements into Final cut Pro ten as well as a few additional time saving techniques. So, I'm here in my timeline and the first thing that I want you to know is that all effects can be saved to the Final Cut effect browser. So when you're adding effects, whether it be onto text or whether it be onto clips, you can save them as presets. In fact, you can even save the animations that you apply onto these effects. Let's say I'll select a blur, here's a gaussian blur that I'll apply to my lighthouse. What I want to do is have this footage come blurry in and then have the blur go away. So what I'll do is at the beginning of my project I'm going to add a keyframe to the gaussian blur amount. I'm going to move to 1 second and drag that amount…
