From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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The power of After Effects shapes

The power of After Effects shapes

After Effects's shape engine is deep and vast, and the possibilities are endless. Let's take a sneak peek at few of the powerful features users can manipulate when you send things over from Final Cut. So here I am in my 4.6 composition. I've added it. There's nothing here in this project. This is just going to be an overview of some of the possibilities of what we can do with shapes. Shapes make great things for motion graphics, in terms of animating them. And there's a lot to be known about working with shapes. So first of all, I'm just going to add a simple rectangle to the scene. So one way of doing that is of course I'll just select the rectangle. And before I apply a rectangle to the scene I like to change its Fill and Stroke so I have its color set the way I want. I want to click on the word Fill and make sure that it's a Radial Gradient that fills the shape. You can see there that our color's already been applied. And I'm going to click on the word Stroke and make sure No…
