From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Options for sending clips to After Effects

Options for sending clips to After Effects

- After Effects is the industry standard when it comes to motion graphics. And while Motion's eXchange with Final Cut Pro X is powerful, knowing how to send and work in After Effects is extremely important. In this movie, we'll explore how we can send clips over into After Effects, and ways to keep our projects organized and assets organized in and outside of Final Cut Pro. I'm here in my 4.1 keyword collection. And I've double-clicked my project to open it in the Timeline. And the idea is that I want to send these two clips over to After Effects. The idea here is before I send them over, I always like to make copies. So as you can see, I selected both clips. If I option-click and drag them up, I can have those copies remain above the originals, and just turn them off. So a quick way of doing that is pressing "V." The great part about this is that I can replace these clips later on with my After Effects-rendered clips or projects to place back into the Final Cut Pro timeline. The…
