From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Options for sending clips from FCP X to Motion

Options for sending clips from FCP X to Motion

- You may want to select a clip or a series of clips to send over to Motion, in order to add motion graphic content. Let's take a look at the different ways we can prepare a Final Cut Pro project or clips to send over to Motion. I'm here in my 3.2 Keyword Collection. I've double-clicked the project name, SEND TO MOTION, and what I'd like to do is send these clips over into Motion. In Final Cut 7, if you ever used it, all you had to do was simply control or right click the clip and be able to say, "Send to motion." That file was then replaced with an XML, and you were able to make adjustments to that file in Motion, and they would update in Final Cut, once you saved it out. That is not the same workflow anymore. In fact, it's switched in some cases, where Motion's way of going into Motion is to look into the effects and generators, as we'll see in a second, open up that type of content, and adjust it there. But for sending clips, we have to do something completely different. So one…
