From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Meeting the deadline: Time management techniques

Meeting the deadline: Time management techniques

- So the heat is on and your project was due two hours ago. Sound familiar? Time management techniques are essential for video editors. And when you begin adding motion graphics to your repertoire of skills, you could easily lose track of time in the process of trying to create something beautiful. Here are a few tips from my own experience as a freelancer, so feel free to use as you begin working more and more with motion graphic content. Plan ahead. In fact, the more planning the better. So if you know that you have to do graphics ahead of time or motion graphics, to plan out the type of graphic that you're receiving, to know if there's any branding standards for that graphic, to plan out ahead of time the animation you want to create will help you in the long run. Another thing is to stay organized. I can't tell you how important this is, but you already know as a video editor how important it is to stay organized, how important it is to stay track of the footage that's on your…
