From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Keeping your projects organized

Keeping your projects organized

- Just like working in Motion or any motion graphic application, organization is key. Let's look at ways of how we can keep organized in After Effects as we begin to learn it. So here I'm in an After Effects project, that's on your drive in the After Effects folder called Chapter 4 Lessons. In the next few lessons they'll be a series of projects for us to follow along as you can see displayed here. So just keep that in mind as we go through the process. I also have a composition open here with the Toronto timeline footage you saw from the last movie. How I got that in was pretty simple. In the project panel, all I did was double-click, and I went to the location where that file was in in order to import it into my After Effects projects. Since I just wanted the footage file to be the size of the composition I took the file and dropped it onto the new composition button and a project was then created, or a composition was created based on the length, frame rate, frame size of the clip.…
