From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Importing Illustrator and Photoshop files in After Effects

Importing Illustrator and Photoshop files in After Effects - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

Importing Illustrator and Photoshop files in After Effects

- After Effects allows several possiblities for importing both Photoshop and Illustrator files. Let's see how we can easily import these files into the project panel. So there's no project to start off or composition to start off for this exercise. So with your After Effects Chapter 4 lesson's project selected in the project panel, let's double-click. Go to our Desktop. You'll see that in your FCPX guru Motion Projects in Motion and After Effects folder there's an Assets for Import. We're going to bring in the clock_2.psd first. If we bring it in as is, it will come in baked or merged as a footage file where we won't have access to the layers. Along with this are two additional options. One that's set to composition, the other which is composition retained layer sizes. What composition does is it allows us to have access to each of the individual Photoshop layers and also placed within a composition where each of the layers' anchor points are dead-centered to the composition…
