From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Importing and animating a Photoshop file

Importing and animating a Photoshop file

- FCP 10 allows us to work with layered Photoshop files. Let's import a PSD graphic, see how Final Cut interprets it, and add some basic animation to it. So, I'm in my 2.3 keyword collection and I've double clicked the blank project to open in the timeline. First thing I want to do is import this Photoshop file. So, I want to go to my event, and inside my event I'll go to File, Import, Media. From the Media Import window I'll navigate to my desktop where I saved my FCP 10 Motion Graphics and Motion and After Effects folder. I'll hit the disclosure triangle to open it, and I'm interested in the Assets for Import subfolder. I'll select this clock_2.psd file, you can see it's a picture of a clock. It has a series of layers in here, and I want to make sure that Final Cut will be able to see it. Just to double check before I import into Final Cut, I'll make sure I'm adding it to the existing event that I've targeted. If this wasn't the intended event we could switch it here. I want to…
