From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Exporting a logo animation to FCP X

Exporting a logo animation to FCP X

- So now it's time to render out a previous After Effects animation so that we can use it in Final Cut Pro X. So I'm here in my Chapter 4.11 composition. We worked on this clock animation earlier where all of the elements of the clock are combined. We want to get this over into Final Cut. One way of doing that is to go into Composition and choosing to Add to Render Queue. There's also options to send it to another Adobe application called Media Encoder, which would allow us to render in the background as we continue to work in After Effects, but for simplicity's sake, I'm going to add this to the Render Queue. Once I do, you'll see that it is going to render at the best settings possible using a lossless animation. It's going to output as a Chapter The big question is, "Where to?" If you click on the Chapter 4.11, you'll see it's going to my desktop in this case. It might be going to another place in your circumstance, but I'm going to go to the desktop but save it to a new…
