From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Creating animated text with behaviors

Creating animated text with behaviors

- Motion makes it extremely easy to manipulate and animate text, with and without keyframes. In this movie we'll create a Final Cut Pro title project that we'll animate traditionally through keyframes, as well as by using behaviors. So, I just want to show you guys the end result of what we're trying to achieve before we begin to animate this project. So I have a QuickTime movie up here. There's some swinging text, a line, followed by a subtitle, Adventures in Motion. You can see that text then zooms out, just to play it again, you can see that it goes from a full scale around four seconds, and then zooms out on screen. So we're going to build that, and we want to then have access to it in case we switch it in Final Cut. So I'll close out my QuickTime and let's get cracking by opening up Motion. What we're looking to do is connect this Motion project to Final Cut. So this screen is your gateway to that. If you select a Motion Project it means you're working explicitly in Motion. If…
