From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Creating and publishing animated 3D text with Motion content: Part 1

Creating and publishing animated 3D text with Motion content: Part 1 - Final Cut Pro Tutorial

From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

Creating and publishing animated 3D text with Motion content: Part 1

- As of the latest version of Final Cut Pro and Motion, the ability to work with 3D text was introduced. In the next few movies, we'll animate some 3D text and graphics inside of Motion to use in all of our Final Cut Pro X projects. Here is the animation that we're about to create. It actually consists of five elements: a map that's kind of semitransparent in the background, an overlay of some sort of blue stars, we then have a world, a 3D plane, and some thin 3D text spinning around the globe, and we're going to create this as a 15 second animation over the next two movies and have this saved in Final Cut so that we can actually switch the Around The World text, as well as, if we wanted to, we could even switch the plane and have something else fly around the world. So let's get started. Like we did when we created some 2D text in the last couple movies, we're going to create a Final Cut Title. The duration will be 15 seconds. We'll make the frame rate this time to be 23.98. I'll…
