From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Building a dynamic background

Building a dynamic background

- Final Cut Pro X has a Generators browser that at the surface shows you only a few of the hundred of possibilities hidden within. Let's see a few of these options and build a couple backgrounds that may be useful for future projects. So when you're working with motion graphics, you can never deal with a lack of backgrounds or having a lack of backgrounds available, and even with just creating video editing content, let's say if you wanted to create a title, have some sort of dynamic background integrate with the title, having backgrounds or having textures available to you can really help with your workflow. So let's just see what's available in Final Cut for us and through a couple tweaks and experimentation what we're able to do or just the surface of what we're able to do. So here's the Generators tab, and this is your gateway to various backgrounds, and some of the backgrounds you're going to see here in the Generators tab are from third-party providers on my system, so rest…
