From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Animating an Photoshop file in After Effects

Animating an Photoshop file in After Effects

- Since we chose to bring in our Photoshop file as a composition retaining the layer sizes, it will make it easy for us to animate it. Let's see how we can do that with a couple key frames and some expressions. So here is my Photoshop file. We renamed the composition Chapter 4.8 in the last movie. You can see all of the layers that make up it. First thing that we want to do is plan out the animation. So ideally, what we're going to do is have this clock scale up in size over the period of a second, and then we going to have each of these individual layers, the ones on different sides of the clock, scale up in size as well. Let's prepare the file because the layers here are not in the appropriate stacking order. What I'm going to do is select both of the hands because I want them to be on the top and with them selected, move them up until they're at the very top of the layers. Next, I want to make sure that I have all of these layers here, minus the background, be able to scale up…
