From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Animating After Effects text manually

Animating After Effects text manually

- Besides several of the presets available to AE users, we can also animate text manually using character animators. Let's see how this works on the second line of our text. So I'm back where I left off in the last exercise, I'm in Chapter 4.5 of the project if you are just picking up from here, and I will move my current time indicator to the beginning of the project and hit the space bar to play back what we have, some swinging text followed by a line that animates on screen. Right after this we want to have the second part of our text, Adventures in After Effects, come up, so what I'll do is make sure nothing is selected in my project panel, hit CMD-t and start to enter some text directely within the composition window, so in this case it's Adventures in After Effects. Once I've done entering that text, I'll select my default selection tool, move my text a little bit down, let's scale it down so roughly it's the same width of our swinging text, and now let's just change from bold…
