From the course: Final Cut Pro X Guru: Motion Graphics in Motion and After Effects

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Adding a 3D camera to the animation

Adding a 3D camera to the animation

- We've animated our Photoshop logo. Now, let's add a camera to interact with it to see some of the possibilities that are going to arise. So, I'm here in my chapter 3.11 Photoshop Camera Begin Motion File, which you can find in the Motion Files folder of the Exercise Files that were given to you. And we can see here the animation of the clock bouncing up followed by all of the layers. So, the first thing that I want to do in this case, because we're going to have a camera reveal this clock, is disable the Time Group animation. So, this is what's causing the clock. If you followed along in the last movie, there's the scale animation here. And all I want to do is to the right of the diamond shape, there's a little arrow. And it allows us to click down here and disable the animation. So, right now, what you can see is all we have is each of the individual people on the clock scale up followed by the clock animation starting. The other thing I want to do is start everything a little bit…
