From the course: Fair and Effective Interviewing for Diversity and Inclusion

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Tips for fair and effective interviewing

Tips for fair and effective interviewing

- So now that you know the three areas that create difficulty around being an effective and fair interviewer, I want to give you some tips. I know it's all a lot to remember, but there's some basic things we can do to be better at being a fair and effective interviewer across differences. Before interviewing, work on becoming more aware of your biases and comfort levels. None of us are perfect and none of us will ever be, but we can get more aware of different cultures and expand our relationships across difference, at work and in our personal lives, outside the interview process so that we will have more information and more ease with the interview situation. Now effective interview skills help to avoid the issues we've discussed. So here are some special tips about that. Be prepared, to create a quality interview, you need to review the resume and other materials supplied. Look not only for the things you already know…
