From the course: Fair and Effective Interviewing for Diversity and Inclusion

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Overcoming our discomfort with difference

Overcoming our discomfort with difference

- Okay, let's talk about our second issue, discomfort with difference. Sometimes interviews go bad or off the tracks, simply because of the interviewer's discomfort with difference. You know, I was on a plane and I'm on a plane all the time. And I was being greeted like the way you do, when you walk into the planes, this particular flight attendant said welcome. And I said, hi. And then my heart started beating like crazy, because I could not figure out what the gender was of the person who was saying hello to me and greeting me. I have the person was beautiful and everything, but I was walking down the aisle going. (breathing) I don't, and then at some point, because I'm a diversity consultant, I grabbed myself and I said, look, seriously, calm down. What about anything that person is going to do on this flight today has anything to do with gender. Seriously, why do you need to put this person into a category? That…
