From the course: Excel: Financial Functions in Depth

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FV: Future value of an investment

FV: Future value of an investment

- [Instructor] Out of the hundreds of different functions now available in Excel, there are several of them which will help us to calculate rates of return and to evaluate different investments, costs, and opportunities that might be available to us. This series of functions and techniques are what we will cover in this chapter. So let's start with the FV function, which stands for future value. It will take a current amount and predict the value of it in the future based on the given inputs. Let's say you have an investment currently worth $5,015, and you'd like to know how much it's going to be worth in five years time. So let's calculate that using the FV function. So the rate is going to be here, the number of periods is five years. The PMT is a regular payment. We are going to put that as 0 for now. The present value is how much it's worth right now. And as usual, we are just going to leave the type as a 0. And…
