From the course: Excel: Financial Functions in Depth

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FIELDVALUE: Get field data

FIELDVALUE: Get field data

- [Instructor] Coming back now to traditional finance functions in Excel, we're going to have a look at the field value function that we can use to extract information from stocks or currency data when we've used the data types. So let's say for example, you've got a list of stocks like this, and if I convert this into a data type, we know that I can pull out information here such as the ticker symbol, for example. So that will bring up a formula like that. Now, if I'd like a little bit more control over what that field is, I can use the field value function and I just do it like this. So pick up the stock name here and the field name like that and that's going to bring up the ticker. Now, if I were to copy that down though, it won't work because I haven't anchored the field, the name at the top. So what I need to do is to put my dollar signs in the correct place. So I need to, I'm going to copy this formula over to the…
