From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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- Let's take a look at using wildcards in your Excel formulas. These are really handy when you need some information out of your data, but without wildcards, you would have to write some really complicated formulas, or you'd have to find a way to peel the data apart, get what you need, and then put the data back together. Sometimes you can filter for what you need, but sometimes filtering can be impractical or you want information in a way that can't be filtered for. There are two primary wild cards. You have a question mark and an asterisk. The question mark is a wild card for a single character. The asterisk is for any number of characters. We're going to see that. And then there is the tilde. I go into that in the next video on using wild cards with X lookup. Here's some data. We've got teams, leads, and the members on each team. Now I'm thinking, okay, there's a lead whose name starts with C, and it's…
