From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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Volatile functions

Volatile functions

- [Instructor] Before we get started, I'm going to do this, =now, and then open parentheses, closed parentheses. That's telling you that right now it is the 7th of January, 2023, and it is now 6:23 PM. Okay, let's set that aside. This video is about volatile functions. You have to be aware of them. A function is volatile when it recalculates with every change in a workbook. And here's the list of volatile functions; indirect, offset, rand, randarray, randbetween, now, and today. Now over in column's I through M, I have student count, need to fill in the data, and maybe I need to make some fake data for a tutorial. All right, so I'm going to use =randarray. Okay, I want seven rows of data, comma. I want four columns representing the quarters, comma. What's the minimum? Let's say I want 35 to be the minimum, comma, the max, 205, comma, and yes, I want it to be an integer, so I'm going to put a one at the end,…
