From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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- [Instructor] The Excel developers continue to bring us new functions. One of them is the UNIQUE function. Now, it's important to get a concept across, right? But let's hold off on that a second. Here is our data. All of these Excel experts in column B were asked, what is your favorite Excel function? And then we scroll down, we got VLOOKUP, FILTER, SUMPRODUCT. Scroll down, LEN, LAMBDA. Keep scrolling. We get all the way down to Winston whose favorite function is TEXTJOIN. You see that in this course. All right, scroll back up. Now, let's say you admire all of these people and you want to learn all of their favorite functions. But there are a lot of replications in here. Scroll down, take a peek. Just in these few rows that we're looking at, we've got XLOOKUP twice. We've got SUMPRODUCT in here a few times. VLOOKUP is in here a couple of times. And so, what about this entire column of data? We want a list that…
