From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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- Let's look at the text join function. A lot of times we want to take values from multiple sales and string 'em together. In this case, we have the designation, last name, first name, middle initial. In row three, we have Dr. Maxine Moon. That's what we would like to have. In row six, we have Christine with a middle initial, middle name of Chris, Duncan. Let's use text join to put these together. Click here, put the data into a table. Go over here, format as table. Let's grab this color. Table does have headers. Okay, get rid of the filter buttons. Scroll down and make sure all of the data was captured. Yes it was. Okay, let's do it. Equals text join. Okay, double click text join. What is the delimiter? Meaning, what do we want each value separated by? In this case, just a space. Double quote, space, double quote, comma, ignore empty sales. Now, this is important for what we're doing. If…
