From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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Take your Excel skills to the next level

Take your Excel skills to the next level

From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

Take your Excel skills to the next level

- Congratulations on completing the course. That is exciting, and thank you for staying on this ride with me. That really means a lot. But this really is about you and this achievement. But now the real work starts because I've exposed you to a lot of formulas and functions in Excel, and now you have to implement and get exposed to a lot of situations where you can use what you just learned. Also, you can go deeper. I touched on times and formatting in this course, and I have courses on those. There are other courses on the LinkedIn library that you can dig into to go deeper on some of the things that I was only able to cover at a surface level. You are well on your way, and again thank you and congratulations.
