From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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Tables and absolute cell references

Tables and absolute cell references

- [Instructor] Tables are great for us to use. They keep our data tight. They help us with consistency. There's a lot of things they do. But, there is one thing I want to show you in this video about mixed or absolute references in tables. Okay. We have this data about these reps, their quotas, et cetera. Right? And then I'm going to go up here to table design with my cursor in that data set. Right? And you can see that the table's name is Performance. What I want to do now, in this area, retrieve the data for each of these reps. And I'm going to use an XLOOKUP. So here we go. Equals XLOOKUP, double quote. Look up what? Look up Anita. Now, in anticipation of dragging this formula down and to the right, I need to think about the sale reference. I need, column H to stay in place, but I do want the, rows to move. So I'm going to go and put a dollar sign in front of the H. Okay? Now…
