From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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- [Instructor] The mod function can be very handy but it can be tricky to understand what it does and when you might benefit from it. Let's look at a basic mod function. I'm going to go here. We need a number, let's say the number six and a divisor of five. Now, equals mod, open parenthesis, number, divisor, and I click C4 and use my arrow key because these tips are in the way. Now, Enter. After dividing six by five, we get one left over. That is very different from if we did equals six divided by five, Enter. We get 1.2. There are times when that's handy and then times where, no, we just want to know what is the remainder. Let's go divisor. Let's make that six. There's a zero because you divide six by six. There is no remainder, right? Let's look at a couple of examples. Here, we have 384 attendees and we have a room or multiple rooms that can handle up to 27 people and that capacity is stuck at 27. We cannot…
