From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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- [Instructor] Let's look at some ways that Excel can help us get better insight into our data. Here we have a list of donations in column B. Okay? All the way down here to row 59. Great. One common thing that we do is we get the average, or the arithmetic mean. So let's do that, equals average, and double click. Now the numbers, and then we go over to this table and wait for that arrow and highlight that column and enter. So the average of all of these donations is 81 dollars and 75 cents. Now, the median, equals median. And it says what? Returns the median are the number in the middle of the set of given numbers. Double click. What our numbers over here this column and enter the median is 28 dollars. We can see that this way. I'm going to go over to this column and I'm in the data tab. I'm going to sort this A send in. And first I'm going to, wait for that arrow, highlight the entire column, look down in…
