From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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LET function overview

LET function overview

[Instructor] The let function in Excel is pretty new. And it forces us to think in a different way. But yeah, it's got some serious benefits. But one thing you have to be aware of, it forces us to think in a different way, because we can put variables and calculations in a single formula. And that's also a benefit. So let's look at this. I want to figure out how much gas is going to cost for a trip. So I'm going to go equals let, open parentheses. Name1. Gas is going to be Name1 R, our first variable. Comma, what is the value of this variable called gas? It is right here in C3. Comma. Now I can do a calculation, or I can do another name or a variable. I'm going to go distance, D-I-S-T. Comma, that's my next variable. Now I need the value, where will it find the value for this new variable right here? 1300 miles. Comma, am I ready for a calculation, or do I need a name? Do I want a calculation here or a third…
