From the course: Excel: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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- [Instructor] It's time to talk about INDEX MATCH. INDEX MATCH can be used as a more robust alternative to VLOOKUP. But now we have XLOOKUP, and in my opinion, XLOOKUP is more robust than INDEX MATCH and VLOOKUP. But let me also say, I am not here to bash any one of these three, INDEX MATCH, VLOOKUP, or XLOOKUP. You use what works for you in the situation that you are in. Alright, so let's get into INDEX MATCH. In G2, I have an ID, and I want to retrieve the name and the specialty. See, we going to do it twice. All right. Notice how the data is set up. The ID is all the way to the right, and we need to look left. VLOOKUP cannot look left. If we wanted to use VLOOKUP, we could move the ID column over to be in the first column, and sometimes we don't have that option. There'd be too much stuff to move around to get out of our way. It could be a hassle sometimes. So, INDEX MATCH equals, and I'm going…
