From the course: Evaluating Business Investment Decisions

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What are business investment decisions?

What are business investment decisions?

- Picture this. You're a company director and the head of the innovation team has proposed that your organization invest in some new AI technology, that is artificial intelligence. It's promised that this technology can save the company literally millions of dollars over the next five years, whilst at the same time, improving the quality of service delivery to customers. Spend a little bit of money and improve the viability of the company at the same time? Sounds like a pretty bold claim to me, hey? Concepts such as this are being thrust upon decision makers all the time. Whilst every company structures its operations differently, the vast majority that I've worked with will separate their day-to-day business from initiatives that seek to change the way that an organization functions and it's this body of change that usually calls for some kind of decision-making framework to enable these initiatives to be made…
