From the course: Evaluating Business Investment Decisions

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Summarizing outputs

Summarizing outputs

- Okay, we're on the homestretch now. The ABC Enviro board are itching to get their hands on the Invention Project evaluation metrics. So let's go ahead and complete this analysis. Now, our focus at the moment is on preparing the calculations. We'll come back later on to decide what this all means. To get the most value out of this exercise, I strongly recommend that you open the Excel file for this video and make sure that you're on the Summary Analysis worksheet. Now, believe it or not, all the data we need to complete this analysis is already here in this workbook. To start with, let's bring the total costs into this summary table you can see. Type equals, then sum, open brackets, now select the relevant cost items from the Inputs worksheet, making sure that you've picked up data for the year 2020. And now hit Enter on the keyboard. Next, drag this cell all the way across to 2025. Now let's go ahead and do exactly…
